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pie-chart multi-coloured graph on right hand side shows 23 financial year commonwealth government expenditure breakdown - with notes to left explaining that government revenue comes from Taxation. Has logo of Continuum Financial Planners

Investment Tax Effectiveness

Effective wealth management demands Investment Tax Effectiveness to optimise the return on your portfolio, to improve asset protection – and investment efficiency.

There are certain actions we can take early in the year to ensure tax costs are managed effectively from a cash flow and financial advantage perspective: by planning now, you can avoid a last-minute rush (that may prove an expensive action) at year’s end.

Some of the things you can get in place now to ensure your tax burden is minimized for the current financial year include –

  • Ensure that you carry adequate Income Protection insurance;
  • Commence an effective debt-recycling strategy that will substitute tax deductible interest for interest on private debt;
  • Consider a negatively-geared investment;
  • Ensure good record-keeping (file receipts; summarise cash expenses; maintain a vehicle log book; etc); and
  • Where possible, apply to the ATO for a reduction in the rate of PAYG Withholding from your salary, based on a known level of deductible expenses.

For personal advice on any of the above, call office (07-34213456) or follow the contact us prompts to have a Continuum financial planner meet with you: we also suggest contacting your Accountant/ Tax Adviser for other tax planning strategies relevant to your situation.

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