
an image of a theme park roller-coaster overprinted with a graph showing the similar ups and downs of emotions for an investor as for the rollercoaster rider - the image has the logo of Continuum Financial Planners and has been overwritten with the words Strategic Advice minimises anxiety - manages sentiment - particular needs when coping with market volatility, all part of wealth management experiences

Our Social Media presence

Our Social Media presence is designed to achieve a couple of objectives: firstly, to provide a platform for our clients to interact with our thoughts and discussions as expressed in original posts, or comments on posts by others; and secondly, to facilitate interaction by stakeholders in our company, with our team – and with you, our clients and supporters. It should increase the awareness of brand ContinuumFP.

Our Social Media presence – generally

A bit about what we are doing with social media (SM): it is now twelve months since we started using this media for increasing awareness of our services – and a number of you are following our activities: thank you!

Our SM activities involve BlogsTwitter, Facebook, Linked In and our website (which is the ‘engine’ that allows us to email publications similar to these client services newsletters).

Whilst we are a year into this journey – and feeling a lot more confident about the process; and about the potential for a successful outcome – we also understand what many a student has experienced in the past: the more we learn, the more we realize there is to learn!

Whilst we have two business Blog sites, one is being phased out (will not continue to be added to); with the newer one taking precedence – and growing quickly.

Our Social Media presence – on Twitter

Twitter is being used to try to establish a presence amongst social media users and often links back to our Blog or a website page; as well as sharing links to financial and lifestyle news items of interest. We maintain a few Twitter accounts, but the one that promotes the name of the firm directly, see our activity at At a recent count we had over 470 Followers: we would love to welcome you to join that group.

Our Social Media presence – on Facebook

At the time of preparing this post, Facebook is yet to be properly exploited: it is being used to promote the Twitter accounts and the Blogs – with a view to having the name of our firm more readily recognised to the broader general public. Facebook has made some changes to the ‘business page’ structure that we are yet to update – should be ‘fixed’ during July.

The ‘f’ (facebook) link on pages on our website will take you to our entries on that page – and if you like what you see, please click the thumbs-up (and you could also leave a comment if you wish).

Our Social Media presence – on Linked In

We see Linked In is a business version of Facebook – and use it in a similar way, but more directly targeting brand awareness in the business community.

Our Social Media presence – a wrap

Some of the above activities are working to draw people to make enquiry about our services: in recent weeks we have noticed a distinct uplift in enquiry direct from our website: and the ‘analytics’ tell us that there are over 4000 visits a month to our website alone – and yet more to our Blog sites.

We encourage clients and our supporters generally to look us up on these media: you can use the link buttons on our website – and you can comment on Blogs (or Follow, Friend or Connect depending on the media) to see what we are sharing from time to time: you will be most welcome!