
Share Market Reporting Season June 2014

Share market reporting season excites many in our community: apart from the daily news commentators, everyday Australians have reason to show an interest (as most of them have, through their superannuation accounts, money invested in shares in Australian companies).

The Australian Sharemarket has responded well to the positive results posted by our listed companies for the June 2014 quarter: the linked video brings the thoughts of IML’s Hugh Giddy (their Australian Share Portfolio manager) on the results posted. Investors Mutual Limited (IML) is one of the Australian Share Fund Managers used by our advisers to blend into bespoke portfolios for our clients.

Share Market Reporting on all markets provides a useful and important gauge as to how economies, investor sentiment and businesses are tracking. Equities (shares) are only one of the asset classes we invest into, but even in that class, diversification is recommended – as to regions, industry sectors and the markets they operate in. Where the equities are in foreign markets, currency movements also need to be considered.

The diversified portfolios that we build for our clients take into account the risk aversion profile of the client, their financial goals and objectives, their available timeframe to achieve those goals – and they are in response to strategic advice, as comprehensive as they will engage with us to receive. Best results are experienced by clients who engage us for ongoing advice services and communicate with us regularly.

If you would like to benefit from the expertise of Hugh and other managers to whom Continuum Financial Planners turns for product that is consistently ‘true to label’ give us a call on 07-34213456, or use the Contact Us facility to arrange an appointment: you can check our ‘fee for service’ policy – and the range of services we offer at our website; and check the high praise some of our satisfied clients have offered on our website.