evidence for ‘advised investors secure’ claim
The ‘advised investors secure’ theme has been the subject of several media articles over time. One such article prompted our first refresh of our 2010 article on the topic . In the Wealth lift-out of The Australian in September 2012, the author disclosed that –
- advice and planning underpin superior investment performance, when
- engaging with an experienced, effective financial adviser.
These articles promote the importance of seeking wealth management advice at an early phase of the wealth accumulation process. Researchers have found that fewer than forty percent (40%) of all investors actually seek the advice of a financial planner. They assert that advised investors secure faith, is –
- supported by better portfolio outcomes, and
- greater ‘sleep at night’ comfort with their investments!
The above-referenced article was, “Better to be advised” (publishing survey results his firm had recently released, in the Wealth magazine in The Australian). In a quote from Andrew Inwood (then managing director of Brand Management*), says –
‘We have data that proves that a good financial planner adds not only money but happiness to people’s lives.
We can prove that empirically ….People [who] have a planner and a financial plan in place are much more likely to understand and be in control of their future than people who don’t have a plan.
And those two things are very strongly aligned to happiness.’
At ContinuumFP, we believe that Mr Innes’ comments classically describe what constitutes the ’value of advice‘.
Advised investors secure sound advice
Some of the issues considered when selecting the financial adviser to guide you with your portfolio strategy – and add value to the process (deciding whether they are in fact a good financial planner – for you), include:
- Their qualifications;
- Their experience with strategies to deal with your individual needs, goals and financial objectives;
- Their licence backing and strength;
- Their ability to communicate with you and build a rapport with you;
- What services they deliver for the fees you are able and prepared to pay them; and
- How they charge for their services.
We have made it easier for you
See the Continuum Financial Planners Pty Ltd website FAQs page for the answer to the above questions; and to many of the more commonly-asked questions regarding financial planning; and the selection of a financial planner. We address the questions both from a general position, but also specifically about our own firm.
How can we help you?
Continuum Financial Planners Pty Ltd is able to review the level of service you currently receive from your adviser/ ongoing service provider. To ensure your service continues to meet your needs, whilst –
- keeping you confident about your investment strategy – and
- the experience of being one of our clients,
make an appointment to meet with one of our experienced advisers.
To arrange an appointment for yourself, or one of your family, friends or colleagues – please either –
- phone our office on 07-34213456, or
- at your convenience, use the linked Book A Meeting facility.
*Andrew Inwood is more recently at CoreData.
(This article was originally posted by us in September 2010. It has been occasionally updated and refreshed since then, most recently in February 2025.)