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a group of attendees facing a speaker delivering a client briefing overwritten with the words Client Briefing Update and the Continuum Financial Planners logo: this is one of the ongoing services we deliver for clients of the firm

Client Briefings insights

Client Briefings insights

We are seeking your input so that we can enhance Client Briefings insights to your benefit. Our final client briefings for 2009 were held in Warwick, Brisbane and at Noosa during the first week of October. Those who attended have rated the event well and commented that they learned quite a bit about the reasons behind the changes in the market over the past two years – and more importantly for many of them – about the importance of having a correctly drafted, valid Will based on Estate Planning principles.

Mr Ian Heathwood, a partner of McKays Solicitors in Brisbane presented on the importance of Estate Planning at all three of our venues. Ian presented the topic with a casual style, interlaced with some moments of humour: the most consistent feedback we have had in relation to his presentation included:-

  • informative and relevant.
  • outlined the folly of (over) simplicity in estate planning.
  • now reconsidering our existing Wills.

We commend the McKays website to readers as a source of information on a number of personal and business legal matters, with helpful workbooks available in a number of those – and in particular in relation to Wills and Enduring Powers of Attorney.

There were a few changes around the organizing and management of the briefings this time, with online registration and sms-alerts provided. The actual presentation was also enhanced by the addition of the ‘lifestyle’ topic (mentioned above from Ian Heathwood). A broader review will be made of the briefing in due course but we would appreciate any comments you have from your own experience in either attending; or not attending for some reason that we might be able to take into account in the future.

If you could assist us with the feedback to help us with our planning, please go to our website Contact Us page and respond to the following questions:

  1. To be reasonably certain that you could attend, Continuum Financial Planners should stage the Client Briefing at what time of day? on which day of the week?
  2. The agenda for the briefing was: Welcome (by a Director of Continuum); Year in Review (by Peter Cashman); Economic and Market Performance – recent past and into the future (by a Fund Manager representative); and Estate Planning (a Lifestyle topic by ‘an expert’ speaker). Does this agenda appeal to you?
  3. If the above agenda appeals to you, can you suggest a lifestyle topic that would bring you to our next briefing?
  4. If the above agenda does not appeal to you, can you suggest an agenda that might suit you better?

Your feedback on this matter will be appreciated whether you have attended one of our briefings in the past, or not.

If you would like to meet with one of the Continuum Financial Planners advisers to review the status of your Estate Planning, phone us on 07-3421 3456; or complete the website contact us form at your convenience.

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